Independent dental care allows dental professionals to offer a greater choice, with the dentistry being more focused on prevention, than may otherwise be possible. In essence this is how we would prefer to be treated. We offer a quality service, with continuity of care and innovation in areas where we think it will make a difference. We provide independent dental care both under a FPI or 'fee per item' basis and with Denplan Excel Care a capitation scheme. Read below for the information on the different payment options. |
FPI (Fee Per Item): Private Fee Basis.
Fee per Item, means that you pay for each appointment as you go along, whether you attend just as an emergency, for urgent care, or as a regular patient. Each time we perform an examination or oral health assessment, we will provide you with a printed (or didgital - via email) estimate detailing what we have found, what this means for you and what your options are. We will also include the cost of what is being suggested, as well as some back ground information where this may be helpful in making your decision. If having read the information you have any further questions you can give us a ring or call in so we can address your concerns. |
We will also explain how healthy your mouth is, and what your risk assessment is in relation to dental decay, periodontal (gum) disease and if relevant, erosion and tooth surface loss (tooth wear). We will also advise you on an appropriate recall interval for your next examination with a dentist, as well as how frequently you should attend our hygienist / oral health educator team to help keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. |
Dental decay and gum disease are the MOST COMMON diseases in humans, and are entirely preventable in 90% of the population. Regular professional care and support are essential in helping you identify any areas where your oral hygiene can be more effective and helping you maintain the health of your teeth and gums in difficult to access areas. If early stage decay has been identified we may also need to regularly apply professional strength fluoride vanishes or re-mineralising gels so we can avoid having to resort to further fillings in the future. We are also able to provide advice on how to maintain a healthy and tooth friendly diet for you and your family. |
Denplan Care
Denplan Care is a capitation scheme which, for a banded monthly fee covers all routine dental treatment from examinations, hygienist visits, fillings root treatments to advanced care, as well as providing access to emergency care out of normal practice hours. |
The only items not included are lab fees (the price our technical partners charge for their work in manufacturing a crown, bridge or plate), orthodontics (braces), and purely cosmetic items such as tooth whitening. It does not cover specialist referrals or implants, which we do not provide in house. |
If you would prefer a simple product focused on prevention but still providing access to emergency care out of hours, these type of more limited plans are called Denplan Essentials. |
In addition to the quality evaluation Denplan requires for all its participating practices, we have been awarded Excel accreditation, so you can be reassured that we have been independently assessed as providing a very high standard of ethical and profession care to all our patients. |
Please see our Denplan Information Tab where you will find all the information and leaflets available regarding Denplan care & Denplan Essentials. |
Payment Plans
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer payment plans, (spreading the cost of private treatment out over a number amount of months) at this time. Although - this is subject to change. If we start offering payment plans again we will make our patients aware by attaching the information to this section on the website and also our Facebook page. |
NHS Care
Unfortunately, we DO NOT have the capacity to accept anymore NHS patients for routine dental care at this time. If these circumstances change, we will ensure to have this noted on both this page of the website and our Facebook page. |
We want you to be happy with the dental care we provide, which means ensuring you have all the information you need to make a decision about what is right for you. If , for example, a filling is found to be larger or more complex than we anticipated and our estimate needs to change, we will inform your at the earliest opportunity. Where something has not gone to plan we will tell you, explain what has happened and what else is needed to set it right giving you all the options we can. If you are unhappy with the care you have received, or have any suggestions about how we can improve, please contact Mrs Helen Robinson our practice manager and we will do our best to address your concerns via our in house complaints procedure. We will acknowledge receipt of your contact, investigate and get back to you as soon as possible, usually within a working week. If this will not be possible we will explain why. If we have not been able to address your complaint to your satisfaction, you can access further help via the General Dental Council (Private & NHS), or if you are a Denplan patient you can contact them directly. |