Preventative Treatments
At Horn Hill Dental Practice we are at the heart of preventative care. We offer a wide range of preventative care methods for all ages. See more information below on the different methods of dental prevention, their costs and how we carry these out. You will also find our accomplishments and the schemes we support to promote preventative dentistry aswell as useful information for yourself, taking care for your teeth & gums at home. |
Preventative Treatment Options Overview & Costings: |
Oral Health Education Appointment: |
£35.00. |
Hygienist Appointments: |
from £65.00. |
Fissure Sealants: |
from £50.00. |
General Oral Hygiene Advice: |
FREE. (if clinically necessary) |
Application of Fluoride Varnish: |
FREE. (if clinically necessary) |
High Fluoride Duraphat Toothpaste Prescription: |
£11.00 - £15.00. |
(Prices shown are as of : 06/2024, and may be subject to change).
All treatments below have been suggested & referred by your dentist, likely at your routine examination. You are unable to contact the practice to book these type of appointments unless you are a registered patient of ours and the dentists believes it is clinically necessary for you to have this procedure. |
Oral Health Educator Appointments:
An Oral Health Educator has one of the most important & valuable roles within our dental practice. Their role is to promote good oral health care and work with patients to help PREVENT (being the key word), any oral diseases. Not only to help our practice patients, but to help the community - via talks at schools and online information. |
Cost Of Oral Health Education Appointment: |
Appointment Duration: |
£35.00. |
20-30 min. |
Why has my Dentist referred me for an Oral Health Educator Appointment? |
You may have been referred to one of our oral health educators by a dentist who feels this will improve your general oral hygiene. The oral health educators primary focus is on prevention and how you can take control of the health of your mouth while at home. You may have been referred for something in particular, such as: discussing diet & cavity prevention, periodontal disease, erosion, if you have a fixed/removable appliance (braces or retainers), plaque control, brushing/flossing & interdental cleaning. |
What will happen at my Oral Health Educator Appointment? |
Once referred by your dentist, our reception team will book you a slot with our oral health educators. This time slot is usually between 20-30 minuites. The oral health educator will be informed by the dentist on what may need improving and discussing during the appointment, so each appointment is tailored to your needs. As stated above, you can see some examples of why you have been referred. You will then be escorted by the oral health educator into a private surgery, and discuss with you what the dentist has asked. You may have demonstrations during the appointment, and lots of visual guides aswell as some oral health tools to take home and try such as interdental brushes. You may only need one oral health educator appointment and then the dentist will review your progress and re-refer back to the oral health educator if necessary IE if no improvement has been made. |
Meet Our Practice Oral Health Educator:
Oral Health Educators Accomplishments:
Over many years our oral health educators have achieved so much in advising and educating people on good oral hygeine routines. Not only do our oral health educators provide advice in practice, but we also take part in many campaigns and programmes to promote good oral hygiene such as "Smile 4 Life" & "National Smile Month". Our oral health educators also visit schools and educate children of all ages using visual aids so they keep engaged during these talks. |
If you feel your pupils would benefit from a group talk in your school with our oral health educator, then dont hesistate to contact us to organise a session... |
Via Emal: [email protected] |
Via Telephone: 01229-772319 |
Providing Vital Oral Health Education to Children...
Providing Oral Health Education for Younger Children...
How we Promoted "National Smile Month"...
Childrens "Goody Bags" In aid of "National Smile Month"...
Take a "Smiley" for national smile month...
Stoptober, October 1st Annually...
Smoking Cessation:
how we support smokers & how we promote stoptoper...
How smoking effects those around you...
Passive smoking, also known as involuntary smoke or second hand smoking is when you expose those around you. Tobacco smoke lets off different chemicals and gasses, which are harmful to not only your health, but people around you will also be exposed to these chemicals which can in-turn cause them to have health issues such as a sore throat, cough, dizziness, or more serious diseases such as heart disease or lung cancer. |
Hygienist Appointments:
You may have seen your dentist for your routine examination, and they feel it is clinically relevant for you to be referred to our practice hygienist. The dentist will determine how long you appointment with the hygienist needs to be, what type of treatment you need. They will also determine how often you need to see our hygienist. You may also be referred for oral health advice if needed. |
PLEASE NOTE: To see our practice Hygienist you must be a registered patient with us, you must be a regular attender & see a dentist prior to your Hygienist appointment. This is a treatment that needs to be reffered by your dentist. |
Why has my dentist referred me for a Hygienist appointment? |
Gum health is the key to good oral health. Without healthy gums, you do not have healthy teeth. You are usually referred if your oral hygiene is slipping IE: developing further build up - that your toothbrush cannot remove, have gum pockets present or suffering with bleeding or inflammed gums. Our hygienist can offer deep cleans to reduce the risk of gum disease and treat gum disease that is already present- to prevent it worsening. You may only need to see the hygienist for one visit, but you may require more depending on your overall gum health. We calculate gum health by measuring your gums, and measuring any pockets present. |
What to expect at my Hygienist appointment? |
At your hygienist appointment you will be seen by Mrs Helen Rudd, she is our practice hygienist and she works on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays currently. She will have a nurse accompanying her throughout the appointment. At your first appointment, Helen may ask you what your oral health routine is at home. Its best to be open and honest so we can give you the best form of care, there is nothing to be embarassed about and we are here to help you. She may ask if you use an electric or manual toothbrush and if you clean between your teeth. If she has time, she may even demonstrate these interdental cleaning tecniques. Once everyone is introduced to one another, and discussed current oral health routine and any concerns, she will then begin the treatment. This may start off by the hygeinist measuring your gum pockets, (this is where we shout out lots of random numbers at the nurse) or like stated above, showing you good oral hygeine practices. Then we will use a machine called a Cavitron, which is an ultrasonic tip that uses vibrations and water to remove debris from the teeth and under the gums, these type of debris cannot be removed at home with a toothbrush. She may also use a hand instrument. At the end of the clean, the hygienist will then polish your teeth or supply you with mouthrinse. She will tell you what you need to improve. |
Hygeinist Price List as of 2022: |
Duration Of Appointment: |
20 Minutes. |
Cost Of Appointment: |
£65.00 |
Duration Of Appointment: |
30 Minutes. |
Cost Of Appointment: |
£100.00 |
Duration Of Appointment: |
40 Minutes. |
Cost Of Appointment: |
£125.00 |
Duration Of Appointment: |
45 Minutes. |
Cost Of Appointment: |
£150.00 |
Duration Of Appointment: |
60 Minutes. |
Cost Of Appointment: |
£200.00 |
Meet Our Practice Hygienist...
Fissure Sealant:
What is a Fissure Sealant? |
A fissure sealant is applied to help protect the tooth against decay by sealing the natural crack with a plastic filler. The tooth does not need to be drilled, but may be cleaned to enable the sealant to stick better. The sealant is "tooth coloured" or clear and isnt noticable once placed. |
Application Of Fissure Sealant |
From £50.00. |
Application of Fluoride Varnish Paste:
What is Fluoride? |
Fluoride is a natural occuring mineral that is found in the water you use in your area, the extent of fluoride content will vary depending on your location. The choice whether to add fluoride to the water supply is made by individual local authorities. |
How can Fluoride Varnish protect your teeth against tooth decay? |
Fluoride Varnish works by strengthening the enamel which makes it much more resistant to tooth decay. |
Why would we prescribe an application of Fluoride Varnish? |
Children - Once your childs teeth are fully erupted, the dentist may suggest the application of fluoride varnish. This can be done at every examination your child has, even if this is 2-4 times per year. We look at the childs diet, risks of caries and current oral hygeine routine. If the dentist feels that your child is high risk due to these factors, fluoride can be added as a preventative measure. |
Adults - Increased caries risk, poor oral hygiene or high sugar containing diet may cause the dentist to suggest the use of fluoride varnish, although - a better option may be a high strength fluoride mouth rinse or a high strength fluoride toothpaste (which is discussed below). |
How do we apply Fluoride Varnish & what do we use? |
We apply topical fluoride solution by despesing it from its tube, using a small brush to apply the product to the teeth. It is a completely painless process. Think of it as a polish for your teeth. We use a product called "profluorid Vanrish" which comes in a topical form. This brand provides many different flavours, such as: cherry, melon, caramel and mint. The variation in flavours is very intriguing for our younger patients, as they enjoy choosing a new flavour when they attend each time for their routine examinations. |
Find out more about Fluoride, following these useful links: |
Please note, we will never complete such treatment without verbal consent from both the patient, and if under 16 years of age, a consenting adult. We are aware that some patients are "anti-fluoride" & prefer not to use fluoride containing products, IE: Fluoride Varnish, Fluoride containing toothpastes & mouthrinse. If you are "anti-fluoride" please inform your dentist of this, so we can ensure it is visable on your patient notes prior to your appointment. |
High Strength Fluoride Toothpaste:
High strength fluoride toothpaste may be prescribed by a dental professional and is not available to purchase without a presctiption. |
Useful Oral Health Information, Advice & Links:
Provided by Simply Health (Denplan).
Information on a Minimal Intervention Approach to dentistry, which has prevention at its heart is available at:
Useful Links:
See the files attached below. These have been completed by Principle Dental Surgeon, Dr David Smith. |